
FRAME Mourns the Passing of Hugues Gall

Hugues Gall, former Director of the Paris Opera and Head of the Claude Monet house, died on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at the age of 84.  FRAME fondly remembers Hugues Gall, who for many years generously hosted receptions for our members at Monet’s house and gardens during the annual Spring Meetings in Giverny.

Born on March 18, 1940 in Honfleur, Gall was an eminent personality in the world of opera, ballet and music, and dedicated his life to the influence of these arts. Having studied the violin, piano and choral singing at the beginning of his career, Hugues Gall created the musical baccalaureate program when he worked at the French Ministry of National Education. After being appointed Secretary General of the Réunion des Théâtres Lyriques Nationaux in 1969, he became the deputy of Rolf Liebermann, general administrator of the Paris Opera, from 1973 to 1980, directing there from 1995 to 2004, after having been at the head of the Grand Théâtre de Genève from 1980 to 1995.

Hugues Gall was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 2002. In this context, he was entrusted with the stewardship of Claude Monet’s house and gardens in Giverny on March 26, 2008. His dedication to this role was evident to all as he methodically worked to restore and open the house to a wider audience, meticulously reconstructing a large number of pieces from the home, based on period documents and testimonies.

It was in this capacity that Hugues became acquainted with many members of FRAME, including co-presidents Françoise Cachin, Francine Mariani-Ducray, Marie-Christine Labourdette, Elizabeth Rohatyn, William Beekman, Anne-Solène Rolland and Christelle Creff. In May 2023, he was keen, as usual, to personally welcome the FRAME network to Claude Monet’s studio for a moment of conviviality and the enchanting evening ambience of the garden. Sadly, this was the last time we had the honor of speaking with this charismatic man of profound musical, artistic and literary knowledge. Hugues Gall will be greatly missed by all.

Among the eminent and numerous distinctions with which he had been decorated, Hugues Gall was Commander of the Legion of Honor and Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters.

The Board of Directors and members of FRAME extend their sincere condolences to the family and friends of Hugues Gall, as well as to the team at Claude Monet’s house and gardens.

Hugues Gall hosting FRAME in Giverny, May 2019 | From left to right: Bill Beekman, Sylvain Amic, Hugues Gall and Paul Lang. ©FRAME 2019