Caravaggio and His Legacy
Edited by J. Patrice Marandel They were known as the “Caravaggisti”—artists who imitated the 16th-century master’s earthy, realistic style or subject matter. Caravaggio’s impact on

The Mourners: Tomb Sculptures from the Court of Burgundy
This book features an insightful essay by Sophie Jugie, Director of the Musee des Beaux-Arts de Dijon and presents stunning, evocative photographs of the forty

Reunited Masterpieces: From Adam and Eve to George and Martha
By Eric Zafran Publisher: Wadsworth Atheneum; First Edition (2010) Paperback: 47 pages | Language: English | ISBN: 978-0918333278

La Volupté du Goût (The Pleasure of the Taste), French painting at the time of Madame de Pompadour
Catalog published for the exhibition initiated by the Portland Museum of Art and the Museum of Fine Arts in Tours. It has taken advantage of the

Repartir à zéro : Comme si la peinture navait jamais existé, 1945-1949
Sous la direction d’Eric de Chassey et de Sylvie Ramond Éditeur : Hazan, musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon ; Première édition (2008) Broché : 352

Mythology of the West in American Art, 1830-1940
Silvana Editions, 23x28cm, 216 pages With the contributions from: Laurent Salomé (Director of the Museum of Fine Arts in Rouen): Are illustrators painters? Adeline Collange

L’impressionisme de France et d’Amérique
Sous la direction de Sylvain Amic (Editor); with essays by Richard R. Brettell and Françoise Cachin Éditeur : Editions Artlys; ART LYS edition (2007) Broché

Le Maître au feuillage brodé : primitifs flamands, secrets d’ateliers
Sous la direction de Florence Gombert ; Didier Martens Éditeur : Réunion des musées nationaux ; 1e édition (2005) Broché : 128 pages | Langue: