
FRAME Partners with FAB Paris – November 22, 2024 at the Grand Palais

Consistent with its mission of enriching museum practices through transatlantic dialogue, FRAME is delighted to partner with FAB Paris (Fine Arts Paris & La Biennale) for a symposium devoted to the acquisition policies of American and French museums. The event will take place at the Grand Palais on November 22, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (France time), in the Salon Alexandre III.

The result of the alliance of two prestigious Parisian fairs – Fine Arts Paris and the Biennale des Antiquaires – FAB Paris is the finest annual event devoted to multidisciplinary arts from antiquity to the present day in the French capital. It brings together internationally renowned galleries whose exceptional quality is matched by the ethical selection of their works on display, chosen by a commission of some of the finest experts worldwide, who aren’t exhibiting work from their own galleries at the fair.

FAB Paris is intended to be a privileged meeting place for all involved in the art world – curators, collectors, museum trustees, artists, dealers, art lovers and others. For this reason, FAB Paris is organizing a symposium that will bring together a dozen directors and curators from the most important museums in France and the United States, several of whom are members of the FRAME network*. Using significant examples from their collections, they will discuss the various enrichment procedures implemented in their respective institutions (acquisition plans, means, ethical practices, long-term loans, etc.) from a French or American approach.

FRAME network members who have confirmed their participation are:

  • Gary Tinterow, Director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston;
  • Sophie Lévy, Director of the Musée d’arts de Nantes;
  • Annick Lemoine, Director of the Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris;
  • Sylvain Cordier, Paul Mellon Curator and Head of the Department of European Art, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond


*The full list of speakers will be announced in September.

For more information and to register, click here.

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