
The Let’s Boogie-Woogie in Museums Podcast

FRAME is pleased to support the Let’s Boogie-Woogie in Museums podcast available now on Soundcloud.  This unique and original podcast explores the ever-present cultural themes of racism and oppression through the lens of art appreciation and music. Click here to listen now:

Inspired by best practices exchanges with the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, the Let’s Boogie-Woogie in Museums podcast was created through a partnership with the Museums of Strasbourg and the Musée d’Aquitaine. Led by pianist Sébastien Troendlé, museum experts and middle school students draw from a carefully curated selection of artworks to explore creativity’s emancipatory power while delving deep into the rich history of African American music.

FRAME is delighted to offer its heartfelt support and congratulations to the Let’s Boogie-Woogie in Museums podcast writer and creator Marine Angé, as well as the many talented contributors to this project, Sébastien Troendlé, Martine Debaene, Hélène Fourneaux, and the students of Solignac Middle School and Édouard Vaillant Middle School. Thank you all for your tremendous work!

The Let's Boogie-Woogie in Museums Podcast