FRAME has a commitment to scholarship and to creating
collaborations between French and North American member museums. The following publications, mainly
authored by French and North American curators and scholars, have been published to accompany FRAME exhibitions and to extend international understanding of the material.
Reader’s note: some books were published in one language only. References listed below are listed in the original publisher’s language.

The Triumph of French Painting
juin 4, 2004
Edited by Penelope Hunter-Steibel (Editor); with Scholarly Direction of Michel Hilaire Publisher: Réunion des Musées nationaux ; 1e édition (2004) Paperback: 128 pages | Language:

Symboles sacrés : Quatre mille ans d’art des Amériques
juillet 4, 2002
Sous la direction d’Evan Maurer ; Molly Hennen Éditeur : Réunion des musées nationaux ; collection FRAME ; 1e édition (2002) Broché : 216 pages

Raphaël et son temps – Dessins du palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille
juin 4, 2002
Sous la direction de Paul Joannides ; Arnauld Brejon de Lavergnée ; Barbara Brejon de Lavergnée Éditeur : Réunion des musées nationaux ; collection FRAME

American Art, 1908-1947 from Winslow Homer to Jackson Pollock
mai 1, 2002
American Art, 1908-1947 offers fresh interpretations of diverse modern American artworks